Connecting the Gospel to the Capitol

Although I have lived most of my life in the state of Wisconsin—and have lived less than 30 miles from the Wisconsin State Capitol for nearly 25 years—I had never visited Madison’s most iconic building.

That changed on Feb. 4, when, as an individual member of IFCA International, I participated in an event sponsored by the Wisconsin Family Council’s Church Ambassador Network. It was the IFCA Pastors’ Day at the Capitol.


People Aren’t Rejecting Jesus. They Just Don’t Care


“the landscape has shifted. We now find ourselves in a culture where the active rejection of Jesus is no longer necessary, as it’s already the prevailing assumption…..if they don’t care, we need to stop defending the faith and give them a reason to care.” - Phil Cooke


Help! My Loved One Is Deconstructing.


“Every faith deconstruction story is about a person who has unique experiences. While the Bible doesn’t use the word, it does offer significant insights into faith deconstruction.” - TGC


Win People Rather Than Arguments


“arguments alone, whether they’re friendly or ‘battles,’ aren’t evangelism. Instead, we should seek to win people for Christ, not just score points in a debate.” - TGC
