China asserts more control over clergy through new rules


“Regulations issued this year by China have intensified the communist government’s control of clergy among the five state-authorized religious groups and have effectively prohibited the work of pastors and leaders of unregistered churches and other entities, according to a new report.” - BPNews


The World Can Hurt You. When It Does, Love Anyway.


“If today’s followers of Christ fall on hard times, if we lose favor and become a persecuted or marginalized minority, it might actually mark the beginning of our truest impact. … it is not from a place of worldly or political power and privilege that God’s people have through the centuries found their firmest footing.” - Scott Sauls


Afghan Pastors Ask for Prayer


“Pastoring just a short flight away in the United Arab Emirates, I’ve had the opportunity to build partnerships with these men over the last decade. One house church leader sent me a picture of the small room he was hiding in with his family.” - 9 Marks


It’s Not Persecution If You’re Being Obnoxious


“Christians, individually or corporately, might be suffering because they’ve said or done stupid things, placing themselves under the divinely designed cosmic order, whereby life is tougher if you’re stupid (as John Wayne allegedly said). Or they might be suffering because they’ve engaged in sinful thinking or practices that have social or legal consequences.” - Olinger


Crimes and punishments


“As Russia silences political dissidents, religious minorities—including evangelicals—find ways to grow during a chill” - WORLD


Conversion to Christianity No Longer Punishable by Death in Sudan


“A transitional government in Sudan is taking steps toward ‘achieving equality’ and ending discrimination, leading to cautious optimism …. Apostasy (abandoning Islam through speech or behavior, including conversion to Christianity) and morality laws have been eliminated, and female genital mutilation is now banned.” - CLeaders
