Joy Banishes Burnout: How Pastors Finish Well


“…two issues that hinder people from finishing well. The first is disappointment over what they have experienced…. The second issue is insecurity — a feeling of inadequacy that triggers harmful attitudes, actions, and lifestyles.” - Desiring God


7 Reasons Why Pastors Need Encouragement Today


“A pastor’s work is never done…. Sermon preparation is difficult work…. Seldom is a pastor not at least ‘on call.’… A word of encouragement is often unexpected and surprising.” - Chuck Lawless


Fifty Years Is a Long Time

When I’m having a get-acquainted conversation with someone new, it’s common for them to ask what I do. “I’m a Baptist pastor,” I reply. They will usually ask the name and location of my church. Then comes the big one, “And how long have you been there?”


How to Care for Your Pastor, Part 2: Remembering

Read the series.

I’m going to structure this series around several passages that tell churches how they ought to treat their pastors. I’d like to start with a passage at the end of Hebrews:

Remember those who led you, who spoke the word of God to you; and considering the result of their conduct, imitate their faith (Heb 13.7).

We’re told to “remember” our pastor.


How to Care for Your Pastor, Part 1: Introduction

Most Christians have been members of (or at least attended) a church long enough to go through a pastoral transition or to witness an ordination service. When they do, they’ll often hear a sermon on the pastor’s responsibility to the church. It might include a look at the qualifications for pastor as listed in 1Timothy 3 or Titus 1, and perhaps also a charge from 2Timothy 4.1-2:


Why Pastors Aren’t Quitting


“…despite rumors of a mass migration, most pastors stayed. In the fall of 2021, the rate of evangelical pastors quitting before retirement was 1.5 percent, up only a little from the 1.3 percent resignation rate in 2015.” - TGC


One in Four Pastors Plan to Retire Before 2030


“The graying of America’s pastors isn’t a new phenomenon, but it has become more pronounced. In 2022, just 16 percent of Protestant senior pastors were 40 years old or younger.” - C.Today
