When Can a Ministry Count as a Church?


“The research team counting all the nondenominational congregations in America did not add any marks to their tally when a conservative Christian think tank in Washington, DC, declared itself an association of churches.” - C.Today


Podcast: T4G One Last Time


“Together for the Gospel (T4G) directors have announced that they will be meeting for the final time in 2022, triggering a wide-ranging discussion on parachurch organizations. Todd waxes nostalgic as he recalls the many years he attended T4G and how those conferences influenced his life and ministry.” - Ref21


Churches, nonprofits optimistic about giving in 2022


“In its 2021 State of Giving report released Monday, the ECFA … showed that while cash giving to member churches dipped slightly amid the pandemic and lockdowns in 2020, giving to other types of ministries increased.” - CPost


The Christian Peacemaker Who Left a Trail of Trauma


“Judy Dabler built a career helping reconcile conflict within ministries including RZIM and Mars Hill. But a new investigation says she abused her authority to protect those with power.” - CToday


“There is a tendency for the parachurch to become ... the functioning church of its participants."


The parachurch ministry “becomes the hub around which the Christian lives of its participants revolve. It is the place to which its people go for fellowship and instructions. It’s “members” are the people to which its participants go in time of crisis. The Bible study, the discipleship group, the prayer group becomes their church.” - Ref21
