On the Supernatural: Can We Call It Something Else?

My earliest memory of a “witch” is of a pretty young lady named Samantha making magical things happen by twitching her nose with a quirky sound effect. It was the 1964 sitcom, “Bewitched.” We watched the reruns over and over. Another childhood memory is of the cackling crone in the Bugs Bunny cartoons, who left hair pins in her wake whenever she ran. I later learned she also had a name: Witch Hazel.


Not the Halloween You Remember


“On the calendar, Halloween always falls on October 31. But we Christians are often confused about which cultural moment we’re currently in: Are we back in the era where we condemn the day as an evil, pagan practice? Or are we in the stage where it’s seen as (mostly) harmless fun?” - TGC


Tarot booms as Generation Z sorts out spiritual path


“…when she was 16, said Cargle, ‘I got comfortable with myself, Catholicism and spirituality. … I was no longer afraid to touch a tarot deck.’ Cargle, who now identifies as spiritual but not religious, sees tarot as a tool.” - RNS


The Problem of Evil in ‘The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina’


“When she’s not contemplating whether or not to be the bride of Satan, she is taking on moral crusades in the hallways of Baxter High, outwitting her principal to found a school-sponsored book club for girls. The name of the club …succeeds in forming the acronym W.I.C.C.A. Subtle, Sabrina is not.” - Christianity Today
