Do We Need a KJV Update? A Candid and Cordial Conversation


“Dan has asked … about certain passages in the New King James Version and modern English versions that he found to be troubling…. I want to give him a chance to express his concerns and I want to take an opportunity to try to answer them” - YouTube


Does the NKJV Change the TR?


“Why don’t my brothers who prefer the TR use the NKJV or MEV? And if they don’t like these options, why not create one that fits in that quadrant? [‘right’ text, easy words]” - Mark Ward


An Evaluation of the Work of Charles Surrett on the New King James Version


“I’ve had several brief correspondences with Surrett, and in each case he has been gracious, clear, and straightforward (Ambassador students who have mentioned him to me always speak of him with respect). He has made key distinctions between his viewpoint and a truly KJV-Only viewpoint. To him, the text is the issue.
