Don’t Let Nietzsche Be Your Political Teacher


“while the political right may see itself in opposition to such an approach, populism’s rise suggests otherwise. For Nietzsche, the embodiment of the will to power was the Übermensch (the Overman or Superman), who embodied the ideals we now see played out in populist leaders.” - TGC


A Search for Significance


“Each verse in Peggy Lee’s 1969 song describes a life event, such as going to the circus or falling in love….Each verse leads to the same chorus: Is that all there is?” - TGC


Why ‘Sunny Nihilism’ Isn’t a Logical Option


“…while the ‘sunny nihilism’ worldview is wrapped in the pretense of humility and relativism, it’s actually making a bold claim about truth that relies heavily upon a faith commitment.” - TGC


The apocalyptic style in 21st century environmentalism


“Religious cultures have often had deep strains of apocalyptic or millenarian sentiment, including the Christian and Jewish traditions, but the extreme forms of environmental apocalyptic today are rooted in the material and and are devoid of any sort of … eschatological aim such as the renewal of Creation or deriving some meaning out of final things.


Should atheists “lie” to their children because they need religion to avoid despair?


“I would argue that the secularization that the psychoanalyst and I would together lament is driven by just this sort of cultural means-to-an-end religion. If a generation believes that religion is just a substitute for something else—political power, national identity, social control, or even just shortcut parenting—they will not just abandon it, but resent it too.” - Russell Moore
