Two Fundamental Questions in Abortion Debate


“Natural Law seems helpful at first blush, but then the question turns to the identification of the authorized definers of what is ‘natural,’ to which no answer is satisfactory other than the Bible.” - DBTS Blog


Natural law limits government and arbitrary power


“…natural law does not hold that all moral evil can or should be prohibited by the state. The free choice to lie, for example, is always wrong because such acts always damage the good of truth. Yet we don’t legally prohibit and punish all acts of lying.” - Samuel Gregg


Parental Rights: A Christian Natural Law Primer


“the intellectual superstructure is already in place to chip away at parental authority over children’s lives. This may not result in the immediate removal of children from Christian homes, but instead the denial of Christian parents to oversee the development and upbringing of their children as they see fit” - Eikon


The Protestant Reformers and the Natural Law Tradition


“Although it is decidedly true that they championed a particular understanding of grace and faith that took issue with their Roman Catholic counterparts, … they assumed the natural law as a part of the fabric of the created order and therein maintained continuity with those across the Reformation divide.” - Public Discourse


"Legislating morality?" Thoughts on law and moral culture


“Contra those who insist that “you can’t legislate morality,” it is in fact impossible for law and legislation to refrain from shaping the moral culture. One reason for this is that all laws have a moral logic built into them.” - Acton


Is natural law the answer?

When Christians consider whether and how to legislate morality, we’re immediately confronted with the fact we’re actually asking two questions:


Should Protestants Reject Natural Law? Responding to Common Objections


“Even according to Protestant traditions with the gravest views of sin, fallen human beings do not get everything wrong when thinking about morality. Since Scripture itself affirms that the created order reveals God’s moral law, Christians should not turn their backs on natural law for the sake of promoting biblical teaching.” - Public Discourse


Remembering the real revolution of July 4


“These inspirational and linguistically beautiful words of the Declaration of Independence justified the American colonies’ break from England. But they did more than that. They explained to the world and to history that natural rights formed the basis of civil law and government. This was the truly revolutionary aspect of that document signed on July 4, 1776.” - Acton
