Do you hear "still small voices"?
Phil Johson, Carl Trueman, James White on “mysticism”
As iron sharpens iron,
one person sharpens another. (Proverbs 27:17)
Phil Johson, Carl Trueman, James White on “mysticism”
The night before He was crucified, Jesus spent an extended period teaching His disciples. Apparently He began teaching His disciples while they were in the upper room, then continued to teach them as they left the room and walked toward Gethsemane. Part of what He taught them centers upon the image of the vine and branches, reported in John 15:1-8. Specifically, in the context of this image, Jesus uttered the command to “abide in me.”
Things that appear to be the same are sometimes quite different in important ways. When judicial activists appeal to the rule of law, for example, they may use exactly the same language as originalists, but their meaning is very different. Discussions of mysticism tend to be like that.