Atheist or Christian, We All Choose Our Miracle


“Even those who reject the claims of the Christian worldview… should ask themselves whether, without realizing it, they sometimes borrow from the Christian worldview because their own worldview cannot provide a foundation on which to judge good and evil.” - Randy Alcorn


We Need New, Public Conversations About Ethics


“the ‘consequentialist’ or ‘utilitarian’ approach (e.g. of Jeremy Bentham or John Stuart Mill), views the morality of a decision or action, based upon the anticipated result of that decision or action. It seeks to quantify the ‘highest good, for the greatest number,’ thereby reducing all ethical considerations to a ‘pleasure/pain’ calculus.” - Common Good


Can Objective Morality Make a Comeback?


“Why is it that for baseball, consensus favors ‘integrity and playing by the rules’—that is, adhering to an external order—whereas for morality, consensus favors doing what a person wishes to maximize utility or pleasure for that individual?


Christian Humanism and the Imaginative Mysteries


“A collection of essays by Hillsdale professor Bradley J. Birzer explores the moral imagination of the great Christian humanists to reflect on literature and film—and, of course, Batman.” - Acton


Overturning Taboos & Replacing Them with New Ones


“We have been discussing the findings of Eric Kaufman, professor of politics at the University of London, whose article The Great Awokening and the Second American Revolution studies the ‘cultural revolution’ being pursued by many American progressives.


Power and Moral Purity


“The leftists who are in ascendancy in the Democratic party are motivated by a strong sense of the moral rectitude of their cause. …their moral convictions about human equality and the worth of each person derive directly from the Christian and Jewish religions. And yet, for the most part, they reject those religions.
