Go into All the World and Make Friends


“Paul didn’t only give the gospel to local believers; he shared his life with them (1 Thess. 2:8). He didn’t limit himself to ministry relationships or even task-focused partnerships.” - TGC


On Missions the Paul Way and the Timothy Way


“Without Timothaine missions, many churches would fail to prosper and may even falter. …. If Pauline missions doesn’t exist, then the ends of the earth will never be reached….Both Timothaine and Pauline missions, therefore, are necessary.” - 9 Marks


Partners in Ministry

Read Part 1 and Part 2.

One of the biggest takeaways from my study of The God Ask by Steve Shadrach (Fayetteville, AR: Via Nations, 2023) and my participation in Via Generosity’s Support Raising Bootcamp was the importance of developing partners in ministry.


‘The God Ask’

Read Part 1.

In this short series, I am sharing some of the things that I learned at Via Generosity’s Support Raising Bootcamp, which I attended earlier this month near Austin, TX. The training is centered around the book called The God Ask by Steve Shadrach (Fayetteville, AR: Via Nations, 2023).


Back From Bootcamp

I just returned from bootcamp—Support Raising Bootcamp, that is. I attended Via Generosity’s Support Raising Bootcamp in Austin, Texas, on Feb. 12 and 13.


Who Was St. Patrick?


“As far as our evidence goes, Patrick was the first person in Christian history to … grasp that teaching all nations meant teaching even barbarians who lived beyond the border of the frontiers of the Roman Empire.” - DeYoung


The Case for Long-Term Missions


“The point of this article is not to knock short-term work…. but to remind all of us that long-term missions is costly—and it’s worth it.” - 9 Marks
