Should Missionaries Remain Members of Their Sending Churches?
“Thus follows a story about why and how we removed seven of our 65 members and identified them as missionaries instead.” - 9 Marks
As iron sharpens iron,
one person sharpens another. (Proverbs 27:17)
“Thus follows a story about why and how we removed seven of our 65 members and identified them as missionaries instead.” - 9 Marks
“A lack of pastoral care is more likely to lead to a lack of spiritual health, which in turn hinders the work of the commission…. So what do we do if the status quo is chewing missionaries up rather than building them up?” - 9 Marks
“With the Japanese invasion pressing further into China in 1944, [Liddell’s] wife and their two daughters (and another on the way) were sent overseas to avoid danger…. Liddell was convinced he should stay.” - TGC
“As a husband and future father, I believe my family is my first mission field. God, then family, then ministry. … My hope is firmly in the Lord, and I know regardless of where He takes us, His will for our lives remains the same: make disciples.” World