The Rising Belief in Miracles
“The growth of spiritual secularism, or secular spiritualism, does not disprove the secularization thesis, but it does reframe it.” - Breakpoint
As iron sharpens iron,
one person sharpens another. (Proverbs 27:17)
“The growth of spiritual secularism, or secular spiritualism, does not disprove the secularization thesis, but it does reframe it.” - Breakpoint
“Andy Stanley is in the headlines once again…. He began a new series with the question, ‘Do you have to believe in miracles to be a Christian?’ His answer? Yes, but only two foundational miracles—’the miracle of the universe’ and ‘the miracle of the resurrection.’” - AiG
“…all these examples showcase people who directly observed astounding miracles and were unfazed by them. How could that happen?” - Robin Schumacher
“In theology, such an activity as this—a bush with fire burning within it, but not being consumed—is said to be contra naturam, meaning ‘against nature.’… What Moses saw in this fire was a supernatural, visible manifestation of the glory of God.” - R.C. Sproul
“Although some earlier writers had viewed miracles as beyond laws of nature, Hume treated them as ‘violations’ of laws of nature. Once he adopted this definition, he insisted that miracles are miracles only if they violate natural law. Then he argued that natural law cannot be violated, so therefore miracles do not happen.” - C.Today
“In his new book, A Simple Guide to Experience Miracles: Instruction and Inspiration for Living Supernaturally in Christ, renowned Christian philosopher J.P. Moreland makes a provocative claim. Ninety-five percent of what the average evangelical church accomplishes in a given year, suggests Moreland, could be explained even if God didn’t exist.” - Breakpoint
The so-called “long day” recorded in Joshua 10:12-14 has generated much discussion among Bible scholars. Before Copernicus’ heliocentric solar system gained acceptance, interpreters argued that the sun’s and moon’s orbits were halted. Martin Luther, for example, reportedly denounced Copernicus and declared, “I believe the Holy Scriptures, for Joshua commanded the sun to stand still, not the earth.”1 But with the advent of modern astronomy and science, serious objections have been raised against this interpretation.
“We live in an age depleted of mystery…. For many of us, while paying lip service to God’s ability to perform miracles (as if He needs our encouragement a la clapping for Tinkerbell), our reality is more akin to the prayer warriors praying for Peter’s release from prison.” - John Ellis
“The ministry’s website includes testimonies from several people who said the oil from the bible healed them.” - WRBC
“After a video of a man being raised from the dead went viral, an investigation found that one South African Church paid people to pretend that the pastor performed miracles on them.” - Christian Headlines