Mainline denominations try new ideas as they face declines in members and money


“When the Episcopal Church recently announced cuts to its national staff, it was the latest in a long-running cycle among historic U.S. Protestant denominations…. The Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) also announced recent cuts to staff at its headquarters and in its global missions program.” - RNS


Review: ‘Cross Purposes’ by Jonathan Rauch


“Christianity is absolutely compatible with a neutral, procedural liberalism—in fact, Christendom birthed that political system. But Christianity isn’t entirely compatible with a secular, value-laden version of liberalism.” - TGC


Why Are Liberals Less Happy Than Conservatives?


“…the 2022 American Family Survey, a striking new poll from YouGov and the Deseret News, which found that liberals are about 15 percentage points less likely to be ‘completely satisfied’ with their lives.” - IFS


Conservative Theologically, but Liberal Politically?


“In Europe, ‘liberal’…means free market economics and liberty in general. Which is why the ‘Liberal Party’ in Australia is actually what Americans would describe as the conservative party. Whereas in the United States, ‘liberal’ has come to mean progressivism, openness to change of every sort, and left-leaning ideologies.


“The liberal tradition has some serious philosophical weaknesses, especially in anthropology. It has also contributed to the development of political and religious liberty.”


“We can be tempted to use terms to make a splash or win an argument at the expense of complexity. You see this today with everyone condemning or praising liberalism. The term has become so vague that it increasingly means ‘stuff I don’t like’ to some and ‘progress and freedom’ to others.” - Acton


Apocalyptic Fixation

Author’s note: This article reproduces and modifies some of the chapter on “Covenant and Apocalyptic” in the book I am writing. It is therefore not meant to be a full exploration of the subject.

If you have been keeping abreast of evangelical treatments of the books of Daniel, Ezekiel, and Zechariah, or the Olivet Discourse or Book of Revelation you will have run into the term “Apocalyptic literature.” It’s the favorite go-to for anyone who wants to stop the mouths of the prophets while sounding scholarly.
