Federal legislation introduced for Parents Bill of Rights, 23 states already on board
“The Families’ Rights and Responsibilities Act (S.204) was filed Jan. 23 and is sponsored by Sen. Tim Scott (R-S.C.)….
As iron sharpens iron,
one person sharpens another. (Proverbs 27:17)
“The Families’ Rights and Responsibilities Act (S.204) was filed Jan. 23 and is sponsored by Sen. Tim Scott (R-S.C.)….
“The ERLC will press forward on the issues that matter to Southern Baptists: protecting life, safeguarding religious liberty, bolstering marriage and families, and upholding human dignity.” - Baptist Press
“Oklahoma and Louisiana – have enacted laws that recognize the biological differences between men and women, and preserve women’s privacy and sex-segregated spaces.” - Daily Citizen
“The bipartisan ‘Revising Existing Procedures on Reporting via Technology’ (REPORT) Act amends federal laws concerning the sexual exploitation and abuse of children, including expanding the kinds of content electronic communication and cloud computing companies must report.” - Daily Citizen
“Qualified as a misdemeanor since 1907, the law was designed to discourage individuals from cheating on their spouse as a means to secure a divorce. At the time, infidelity was the only way to legally split.” - Daily Citizen
“Amid such challenges, some observers have wondered whether religious liberty can persist as a basic value in an increasingly secularized American society. It must, say religious liberty advocates.” - BPNews
“A former Moody Bible Institute instructor claims under Title 7 of the Civil Rights Act that the school uses a doctrine that only men can be pastors as a pretense to discriminate against women.” - BPNews
“…the Protecting Kids on Social Media Act—is notable for its willingness to abandon the familiar territory each side has tended to favor. And it builds on the momentum of a recently reintroduced bill that sports a bevy of sponsors from various political factions.” - IFS
“McNerney describes HR 1009 as a modest resolution; a nonbinding suggestion that Just War tradition help structure future debates over U.S. military interventions by members of the House of Representatives.” - Providence
Now “all of you who are convinced by Scripture or natural law or common sense that marriage is the union of a man and a woman are no better than a racist who opposes interracial marriage.” - Michael Brown