No, Humans Aren’t 99% Chimp


“Even if this pseudo-scientific meme were true, it is rarely stated or received as a mere fact. Instead, it is used to imply things about human beings: that we are the sum of our DNA” - Breakpoint


AiG on Scientific method... and against flat earthers


“I emphasize that astronomy, being an observational science, rather than an experimental science, is still science. People must understand that the scientific method that they learned growing up was highly idealized, and it was presented in a manner that is tailor-made for experimental science, such as biology.


Slavery’s Connection to Abortion

Reposted from The Cripplegate.

In many ways, the modern abortion movement in the United States has historical continuity within American culture. The same culture that promoted chattel slavery is still thriving, only now it is trafficking in the murder of the unborn. It really is astonishing how similar the pro-slavery argument is with the pro-abortion argument.

Consider that United States was ironically founded with an affirmation that liberty and human freedom come from God:
