"I want Southern Baptists to know that the radiation scare is a lot worse in the States than it is here now."


“ ‘Look! I’ve been wearing this ever since I arrived in Japan and it hasn’t registered any radiation exposure levels yet,’ Hayes says, noting that all Southern Baptist workers and their children were issued a card to measure their exposure to radiation, allowing them to return to their ministries and homes. ‘Volunteers will wear one of these cards at all times, too.


All BMM missionaries confirmed safe after Japan earthquake and Pacific tsunamis


“Devastation from Japan’s March 11, 2011, earthquake was so enormous that the country moved by about eight feet and the earth shifted on its axis by nearly four inches, according to the US Geological Survey.1 With help from your prayers, our missionaries are coping with the damages and ministering to people as the Lord allows.” “People came to church yesterday, even though their homes are a mess from the earthquake” More at
