A Key for Christmas

A sermon preached at Calvary Baptist Church in Simpsonville, SC in 2016.

Isaiah 22, Revelation 3:7-13

Imagine with me that on Christmas morning, one of the gifts you receive is a small box. You hold it in your hands, and it isn’t very heavy. You shake it and it rattles a little. You know that good gifts come in small packages, so you tear off the paper with anticipation. Inside you find a key. Would you be excited?


He Came So We Could Be Like Him


“Christ rescues us from our ability to only see our own culture and moment, and pulls us into a new metaphysical reality….Instead of crafting a Christ exactly like me, the Incarnation makes a way for us to become like Him.” - Mere Orthodoxy


I Will Come Again

This week, the Western world pauses to remember the birth of the One who divided time, and all of history, by His first coming—our Savior and the Messiah of Israel, Jesus Christ.

As we stop and worship this baby in Bethlehem’s manger once again, let us remember that He, eternal God, came to Earth to become a man, to die for our sins and to rise again. The events of Christmas were an essential step in that process but, of course, they do not tell the full story.


On Thinking Like Christ, Part 2: Moving to the Dump


“Does it bother you when you’re rejected by people you care about? How much did it bother Jesus when he came to his own, and his own rejected him (Jn 1.11)? when a disciple of three years betrayed him with a kiss? when his own brothers didn’t believe in him (Jn 7.5)?” - Olinger


The Foundation for the Joy of Christmas


“…when Paul writes to Timothy of a solitary Mediator, a single Mediator, with a capital ‘M,’ he’s referring to that Mediator who is the supreme Intercessor between God and fallen humanity. This Mediator, Jesus Christ, is indeed the God-man.” - R.C.Sproul


Advent Meditation: Sigh No More


“In our day, we can relate to the experience of ‘ransom captive Israel,’ who mourned ‘in lonely exile here, until the Son of God appear.’ As Israel waited—in bondage to suffer­ing, sin, pain, and injustice—so we wait now.” - TGC
