ERLC to Senate leaders: Restore pro-life provisions


“The Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC) sent a letter expressing its opposition to the absence of the Hyde Amendment and other pro-life protections in the nine remaining spending measures for fiscal year 2022 unveiled Monday (Oct. 18).” - BPNews


Lankford saves Hyde amendment with late-night move


“During consideration of a budget resolution, senators approved in a 50-49 vote an amendment by Sen. James Lankford, R-Okla., that bars federal funds from being used to pay for abortions.


ERLC urges Senate leaders to restore pro-life protections


“The request from the ERLC came after the Democratic-controlled House approved appropriations bills July 28 and 29 that eliminated the Hyde Amendment and other measures that either prohibit federal funding of abortion or protect the conscience rights of pro-life, health-care workers and institutions.” - BPNews
