On Being a Servant, Not a Celebrity (Part 2)

Read Part 1.

Is it possible to seek to advance and excel in ministry without being caught up in the celebrity syndrome?

How can we make the greatest impact possible for the cause of Christ—without falling into the traps that come with celebrity status? How can a minister remain accountable in ways that are both effective and healthy, as we travel to preach and teach?


A Key Discipline: Observe Without Judgment


“It is to observe quietly and humbly and then, when appropriate, to ask clarifying questions. And more often than not, I have been encouraged and even challenged by these clarifications. ” - Challies


On Being a Servant, Not a Celebrity (Part 1)

When I began my ministry with The Friends of Israel in 2019, I started with one verse emblazoned on my mind: “For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many” (Mark 10:45). I saw FOI as a wonderful outlet through which to serve the Lord and His people. And God gave me a burden to minister in this way.


Want to Be a Better Theologian? Realize Your Idiocy.


“If we want to be better theologians, we must take ourselves less seriously to take God more seriously. When it comes to our knowledge of God, we need to realize we’re all idiots.” - TGC


Controlling the Control Bug

A few years back, in an editorial for the Kokomo Tribune, in a series about “social connectedness,” I mentioned what I call the “anonymous lifestyle.” Now I would like to use that concept as a jumping board for another issue: the “control obsession.”


5 Symptoms of False Humility


“First, let’s examine what humility is. In Matthew 19:30, Jesus said, “Many who are first will be last, and the last first.’” - Lifeway


If We Realize We’re Undeserving, Suddenly the World Comes Alive


“our hearts overflow with thanks that we who deserve nothing but judgment, death, and Hell are given deliverance, grace, and eternal life. Day after day, God favors us not only with leniency but also with beauties, delights, and privileges we have no right to expect.” - Randy Alcorn
