Thinking Biblically About Homosexuality, Part 2

Read Part 1.

Note: This article series was previously posted on SharperIron and has been updated and revised.

by Aaron Blumer

This article is the second of two aimed at thinking biblically about homosexuality. As in the first article, key words include Strong’s Concordance numbers as an aid for study. These numbers are indicated by the letter s, as in s.1100.


BJU Press Release Regarding Soulforce Visit Today

Greenville, S.C.—The Soulforce Equality Riders, a gay and lesbian activist group, has informed Bob Jones University that it intends to visit BJU’s campus April 4 as part of an 18-stop tour of Christian colleges and universities that maintain a Bible-based position on homosexuality. Bob Jones University has informed Soulforce that the Equality Riders will not be granted access to the BJU campus or to the student body.


Pastors Practicing Homosexual Behavior

My Interview with H.B. London

london2.jpgDue to the fact that several high-profile pastors in Evangelicalism have resigned over the issue of homosexual behavior, I called H.B. London at Focus on the Family to conduct a brief interview with him for SI. He is vice president of ministry outreach/pastoral ministries at Focus.


"A man is not a hypocrite because he violates a moral norm in which he sincerely believes."


In First Things, Robert T. Miller evaluates the morality of the Ted Haggard scandal.
“In Ted Haggard’s face, I see a good man with a serious weakness—but not too serious a weakness, for, as Aquinas says, sins of lust are the least serious of the cardinal sins. We are all weak in many ways, many of us in ways morally worse, if less dramatic, than Ted Haggard’s.”


TED HAGGARD: "I am a deceiver and a liar."


From the Colorado Springs
“The fact is I am guilty of sexual immorality, and I take responsibility for the entire problem. I am a deceiver and a liar. There’s a part of my life that is so repulsive and dark that I have been warring against it all my
adult life.”
