Christianity Requires Defending the Faith

It always astounds me that Holocaust deniers exist. Those who claim the systematic murder of Jews in Europe by Adolph Hitler is a hoax and has no factual evidence behind it often do so to advance antisemitic agendas.* Despite living Holocaust survivors, extant concentration camps, written and recorded testimonies from victims, photographs, artifacts, and other evidence, there are still those who will not accept the historicity of the Holocaust.


A Note from Joel Tetreau

Dear friends at SI:

First, an apology.

I do feel bad that I have not been active here at SI for several years.

I can assure you my inactivity here has had nothing to do with SI. The last many years have been a blur. I will finish off 26 years as lead pastor at SVBC on Dec 31. This means I will have completed about 34 years of vocational ministry. On January1, I will transition from being lead pastor of Southeast Valley Bible Church to being full time in my work at the Institute of Biblical Leadership (IBL).


Roger Olson Is Feeling Some Nostalgia for Fundamentalism


“watching the film nevertheless ‘picked me up and transported me’ back in time to a time in my life when everything about life was simple, clear, uncomplicated, warm, meaningful, even exciting. God was real to us.” - Olson


What Are the Fundamental Doctrines of the Faith?


“The historic five fundamentals remain an important aspect of fundamentalism’s history and heritage, though they are not exclusive identifying marks of the movement.” - P&D


Historical Fundamentalism: A Personal Word


“My personal ecclesiastical heritage stems from what I would call historical fundamentalism…. what follows below is my own understanding of the term historical fundamentalism as used in a Christian context.” - P&D
