The Development of Roman Catholic Sacerdotal Soteriology


“By the time of the Reformation, many of the gains made in the fight against Pelagianism were lost. An entire ecclesio-sacerdotal system of salvation, which relied more on individual merit than the grace of God, had become dominant.” - Ligonier


Why you should get to know Thomas Aquinas, even 800 years after he lived


“Famously, he insisted that faith and reason are in harmonious partnership, integrating the known science, philosophy and theology of his day into a comprehensive, interconnected system. All this helps explain why his work has maintained an enduring appeal, even as equally brilliant medieval thinkers have sunk into oblivion.” - RNS


Augustine Against Gnosticism


“The reason Gnostics denied that God became fully man in the incarnation is that they held a low view of matter in general and flesh in particular. For Gnostics, matter and flesh were not products of a good creation that fell; the creation of matter and flesh was itself the fall.” - Ref21


Does 1 Timothy 3:15 Debunk Protestantism?


“In this video Gavin Ortlund explains why Paul’s teaching that the church is ‘the pillar and buttress of the truth’ (I Tim. 3:15) supports a Protestant view of the church rather than ecclesial infallibility.” - YouTube


The Historic Baptist View of the Nicene Creed


“Ortlund helpfully examines the historical place of the creeds in the life of Baptists. He engages with the current conversation animated by the SBC Annual Meeting motion to add the Nicene Creed to the Baptist Faith and Message.” - Credo


The Nicene Creed: A Very Brief Introduction


“Sunday after Sunday in their worship services, Eastern Orthodox, Roman Catholics, Lutherans, Anglicans, and others recite the creed to profess what they believe. Those who do not know the creed—who have not learned it by heart from years of repetition—are a minority in the Christian world.” - Word by Word
