Everybody Loves Bavinck


“How a Dutch neo-Calvinist thinker became the latest Christian theologian-du-jour.” - C.Today


Celebrating the Legacy of Herman Bavinck: An Interview with James Eglinton


“The works of Bavinck are enjoying a new day in the sun, and now comes a highly anticipated volume that ushers the multifaceted man himself into the light: James Eglinton’s Bavinck: A Critical Biography. Eglinton, senior lecturer at the University of Edinburgh, is well-equipped to write such a book, and we corresponded about this new biography.” - TGC


Review: Bavinck’s Theological Epistemology


“Sutanto’s highly organized work is presented in seven chapters with one to four sections each. Chapter 1, Re-reading Bavinck’s theological epistemology opens with a call to re-frame the scholarly literature according to Bavinck’s organic motif. This motif is more than an ‘organizing devise,’ says Sutanto” - Joel Heflin


New: “...a fine, user-friendly critical edition of Bavinck's Reformed Ethics.”


“Bavinck’s theological approach to ethics is divided into two books: Humanity before Conversion (Bk. 1) and Converted Humanity (Bk. 2). Chapter One introduces terms, definitions and Scripture overview for the essence of humanity (i.e. Imago Dei), The Good, freedom of the will, work, and vocation… Book Two begins with the essence and origins of the spiritual life of believers” - Ref 21
