Always Walk into, Not Away from, People’s Grief


“People I knew and loved walked in the other direction. A friend finally dared to approach me with a hug and talk with me. Once the ice was broken, a few others joined. But until that moment, it was like the parting of the Red Sea. They just didn’t know what to say.” - Randy Alcorn


Grief Is Inherently Lonely


“Grief is lonely when you are the only one grieving and lonely when you are grieving with others…. ‘The heart knows its own bitterness, and no stranger shares its joy’ (Proverbs 14:10).” - Challies


How to Be There for Those Walking Through Grief


“As one who greatly benefited from those in this role following the untimely death of my wife of 50 years in December 2021, here are a few suggestions based on what was most helpful to me.” - Lifeway


C. S. Lewis Shows Us How to Care for Doubters


“intellectual solutions weren’t what Lewis needed in those moments. His arguments hadn’t lost their rationality; they’d lost their emotional weight. In the face of his wife’s death, they now felt hollow.” - TGC


Please, Don't Get Mad at God


“In a recent article… Scott Sauls argues that it is appropriate to be angry at God when Christians are visited by calamitous acts…. This is a time for grief, but grief coupled with hope, not anger as Saul advocates.” - Ref21
