How to Discern Promptings from the Holy Spirit


“…it is equally important to remember that there are other kinds of promptings that we can experience besides the leadings of the Holy Spirit. Some can be good promptings, while others can be bad” - Tim Augustyn


Ministry Is Bigger in Texas

“What do you think about going to Texas?”

Chris Katulka, director of North American Ministries for The Friends of Israel Gospel Ministry, posed that question to me in the summer of 2020.

“To live?” I think that was my response.

Well, he explained, at least initially it would just be for a visit. I was given the task—the test?—of lining up and then executing my own ministry trip to Texas.


Are You Relying on the Spirit or a Hunch?


“We must use caution when we sense that ‘holy hunch.’ Is it from the Holy Spirit, our gut, or, worst of all, the Enemy who seeks to deceive us (Rev. 12:9)” - TGC


“I Prayed about It”


“They asked him, ‘Lord, shall we strike with the sword?’ [Luke 22:39-53] Is it time to fight, Lord? … This is, in essence, a prayer.” - SBC Voices


About Those “Angel Numbers”


“…you fill up your car with gas and it comes to exactly $77.77. Some would see such things as completely random, but to others, the repeating numeric sequences are known as ‘angel numbers’ and are filled with meaning and significance as signs of ‘confirmation’ and ‘directionality.’” - Church & Culture


Led by the Spirit – What Does it Mean?


B.B. Warfield once explained that many misunderstand the concept of being ‘led by the Spirit’ by suggesting that it is referring to ‘something sporadic, given only on occasion of some special need of supernatural direction.’” - C.Leaders
