Why I Will Not Set Goals In 2025


“Each of these years taught me a painful but valuable lesson: life is unpredictable…. this year, instead of setting specific goals, I’m focusing on something more foundational: habits and consistency.” - P&D


10 questions for evaluation at the end of the year


“No matter how crazy a year it’s been, our responsibilities as believers haven’t changed. On that basis, here are some questions I use to evaluate the past year in preparation for setting next year’s goals” - Chuck Lawless


In Praise of Plodders


“Such daily showing up, Dyck argues, may not look like much at first glance, but it is quietly revolutionary. It is the key for healthy marriage and family life, for building friendships, and for growing spiritually.” - Mere Orthodoxy


It is Bible reading time!


“How did you do with your vows of Bible reading last year? I hope you established the habit, whether you made it all the way through the Bible or not.” - Don Johnson


Five ways to think about your 2023 goals


“Memorize at least two scriptures per month. I wish I didn’t view this goal as a unique one, but I recognize the struggle with this discipline.” - BPNews


Pastor, What Are Your 30-Year Goals?


“I remember reading books and articles on pastoral ministry and leadership that emphasized the importance of vision and mission and 1-year goals and 5-year goals…. What if the real harvest is tested in generational faithfulness? What about 30-year goals for a church?” - Ref21


Christmas in July . . . and August

Last year at this time I wrote a column about the concept of taking time during this final week of the year (or, if you still need it, the first week of January) to plan for the new year.

This period has become quite meaningful to me, and I have grown to love the idea of investing time in reading, reflecting, scheduling, goal setting and generally preparing for the year ahead.
