Willingness to Confront vs. Eagerness for Controversy


“Jude had a preference: ‘Beloved, although I was very eager to write to you about our common salvation, I found it necessary to write appealing to you to contend for the faith that was once for all delivered to the saints’ (Jude 3). He wanted to agree, celebrating God’s grace in their ‘common salvation.’ But he needed to confront” - 9 Marks


Radical Christian Gentleness in an Era of Addictive Outrage


“In a striking, but too often neglected, passage in Religious Affections, Edwards insists an essential trait of any true Christian is ‘the lamblike, dovelike spirit and temper of Jesus Christ.’ He presents this point as nothing less than a fundamental of the faith.” - TGC


Top excuses we make to not be gentle


“It saddens me that any of us need to be convinced to be gentle. It saddens me that I’m often not gentle to those I love most. Gentleness is both a command from the Lord and a sign that we are becoming more like Christ.” - C.Post


The Sin of Provoking


“While individuals reacting poorly are responsible for their poor choices, those who provoked such responses are also responsible.” - P&D


The Secret of Gentle Confrontation


“…it is imperative that we have gentleness as we confront. Too many times, especially in our circle, we can be rough with the truth. We can come too strong and our tact in the counseling room can be terrible.” - CLeaders


On the Fruit of the Spirit, Part 9: Gentleness


“We ought to think seriously, then, about the pain we inflict. Some pain is necessary, no doubt; but much of the pain we inflict with our words and actions, even when confrontation is called for, is unnecessary. Some of the pain we inflict comes from our own impatience, or frustration, or self-focus.” - Olinger


On the Fruit of the Spirit, Part 6: Kindness


“How are such people thinking? They’re thinking outwardly; they’re focused not on what they want or need, but on what’s in the best interest of the people around them.” - Olinger


Critique Gently, Encourage Fiercely


“We love, not in a sentimental sense, but in the gutsy, costly sense, because He first loved us. We do not have the resources in ourselves to extend such selfless love. We are resourced by another, by Jesus Himself.” - Sauls


A Conversation with Dane Ortlund about Gentle and Lowly


“In our conversation we talk about the comfort of Christ for the suffering, the effect of isolation on our understanding of Christ as a friend, and the role of the church in bearing burdens and offering healing for those who are struggling.” - Russel Moore
