3 Questions about Creation: Who, How, and Why?


“Of the three questions… the how question is the one where the most controversy has arisen. At the heart of the how question is the debate surrounding the creation days. Among evangelicals, there are four typical approaches.” - Kevin DeYoung


Genesis 1 and the Roots of Premillennialism

The case for Premillennialism does not begin in Revelation 20—it starts in Genesis 1. How so? Remember that Premillennialism consists of four elements: (1) a future kingdom; (2) an earthly kingdom; (3) a kingdom of the Messiah who represents man; and (4) a kingdom that is 1000 years in duration.

To see how Premillennialism relates to Genesis 1 we need to look at Genesis 1:26–28:


Is the Seventh Day 24-Hours Long?


“Old Testament scholar and old-earth creationist C. John Collins argues that the lack of the refrain ‘evening and morning’ on the seventh day is a reason not to understand it as an ordinary day and therefore “makes us question whether the other days are supposed to be ordinary in their length.’” - AiG
