Climate Anxiety Paralyzes. Gospel Hope Propels.


“Pessimistic language is a growing feature of popular culture…. ‘doomslang,’ a category that includes terms like ‘doomscrolling,’ ‘bed rotting,’ and ‘dumpster fire.’ Montell argues the casual adoption of apocalyptically negative language is affecting mental health.” - TGC


More Men Than Women Want Kids


“According to a recent study by Pew Research, young men are now more likely than young women to say they want children. Specifically, 57% of young men compared to only 45%, a minority, of young women.” - Breakpoint


Model the Faith for Gen Z or Lose Them Forever


“For too many Zoomers, religion has come to mean any spiritual movement that seeks to oppress. Not only are kids taught in schools that religion was a tool of white colonizers to subdue and enslave indigenous populations, but their popular media are saturated with this narrative.” - Acton


GARBC Christian Character Scholarship Announces 2024 Winners


“The 2024 GARBC Christian Character Scholarship competition has awarded a total of $19,500 to 18 high school seniors from Regular Baptist churches. The competition was open to high school seniors who exemplify Christian character and express an ongoing desire to serve God in local churches.” - GARBC


Win People Rather Than Arguments


“arguments alone, whether they’re friendly or ‘battles,’ aren’t evangelism. Instead, we should seek to win people for Christ, not just score points in a debate.” - TGC


Gen Z Has Questions. Apologetics Provides Answers.


“They have honest questions about all kinds of theological matters—from social injustice to God’s sovereignty. Robust apologetics, then, provides opportunities to give answers rooted in logic and truth.” - TGC


Reaching Gen Z: The Powerful Witness of Long, Ordinary Obedience


“The church has redemptive work to do—and it’s not to invent an evangelism technique that uses a clever acronym, trendy graphics, or an assortment of language from pop culture. Gen Z doesn’t need that, nor do they want it.” - TGC
