Morning Update from Brian

As a first-timer at a national GARBC conference, I have been trying to take it all in. The worship is more traditional than contemporary although some newer songs from people like Gettys and some older “newer” songs from Twila Paris and others. From what my children have relayed to me, the children’s and teen programs tend to be a little more contemporary in nature. I will say all the musical worship has been very respectful and God-centered. They’re using a combination of piano/keyboard for accompaniment.


Not "Just" Preaching

One feature of the GARBC Conference that many other conferences lack is a good many reports. In each general session, there is at least one report of some kind in addition to the preaching and music. These are not always exciting, but this morning’s truly was. More on that in a bit. The overall effect of the reporting is that you realize this association is doing things all over the place. The GARBC doesn’t own and directly operate very many of these efforts.


Eventful Morning

It’s been a busy and blessed morning at the conference. The morning general session featured Pastor Dan Davey of Colonial Baptist Church, Virginia Beach, VA. His official assignment was Daniel chapter 2, but he provided a helpful perspective on the book as whole first, in the form of “four pillars” that are key to understanding Daniel and fully grasping its message.


"Round 1"

I’ve actually only been to a few GARBC conferences, and this is the first time I’ve had the opportunity to be there for the opening evening. Opening Night includes several of the kinds of things the other sessions do, but there is an emphasis on introducing the theme for the week and creating the context for what will follow. More on that later.


Blogging from GARBC Conference

Coming soon… Aaron Blumer & Brian McCrorie blog from the GARBC conference. (Twitter fans: Brian may do some Tweeting as well. Watch for more info.)
