Way Too Many Characters (and a Happy Ending)
Planting a Spanish-speaking church … in small town Wisconsin - GARBC
As iron sharpens iron,
one person sharpens another. (Proverbs 27:17)
Planting a Spanish-speaking church … in small town Wisconsin - GARBC
“The Baptist Network Northwest partnered with Corban University to host the fellowship’s Refine Conference. Nearly 100 ministry workers attended the two-day event.” - RBM
“An interview with Casey Lute, pastor of Peace Bible Church, Salem, Oregon, planted in 2023, and Tim Baker, pastor of its mother church, Bethany Baptist Church, Salem, Oregon” - GARBC
“The Council of 18 is pleased to announce its recommendation of Clare Jewell as the national representative of the GARBC.
“David Strope, interim national representative of the GARBC, ministered at Bob Jones University April 2–3, speaking in chapel services for both the university and seminary.” - GARBC
“This marks the fifth year in a row that the Refresh Conference has broken its attendance record” - GARBC
“The 2024 GARBC Christian Character Scholarship competition has awarded a total of $19,500 to 18 high school seniors from Regular Baptist churches. The competition was open to high school seniors who exemplify Christian character and express an ongoing desire to serve God in local churches.” - GARBC
“This day of teaching and fellowship, Jeremy explains, invites ‘specialized theologians to challenge and deepen the theological wells of pastors and ministry leaders in Wisconsin and northern Illinois” and surrounding areas.’” - GARBC
“Cedarville University and the General Association of Regular Baptist Churches have entered into an agreement that will provide financial assistance to GARBC church members and employees interested in pursuing an online graduate degree” - GARBC
“Doug Crawford is now executive ministry director. …The MARBC is now called Bridge Fellowship.” - GARBC