The Pot Experiment Has Been a Disaster
“If marijuana definitively destroys lives, should we be free to smoke?” - Breakpoint
As iron sharpens iron,
one person sharpens another. (Proverbs 27:17)
“If marijuana definitively destroys lives, should we be free to smoke?” - Breakpoint
“This Fourth let’s remember the roots of our republic—the idea of liberty—which slowly spread to embrace every American in every walk of life. No one is promised equality of outcomes in their life. But everyone should cherish the promise that liberty provides as they pursue their vocations.” - Acton
“The choices America makes with respect to AI will reinforce or undermine our commitment to freedom. The techno-panic we see today is in many ways normal, but it is important to make sure that AI isn’t stifled in the early stages.” - Law & Liberty
“Some of the ‘fresh thinking’ [of the new right] is strangely reminiscent of New Deal-style policies and Marxist critiques of capitalism. Sohrab Ahmari’s new book, Tyranny, Inc. is a prime example.” - L&L
“On the 4th of July, I’m always reminded of times I’ve traveled in countries where freedom is severely curtailed. Or where the people have been freshly freed from the chains of injustice, and the joy of their release was palpable.” - Church & Culture
“Napa Legal Institute released its first annual “Faith and Freedom Index” ….ranks the 50 states and the District of Columbia on how their laws protect faith-based, tax-exempt nonprofits’ ability to operate successfully and efficiently.” - Fox
“The ideas of liberty and individual dignity cannot be ascribed exclusively to Christianity—or for that matter to any other religion—as they are inherent in human nature. In short, they are what it means to be human.” - Acton
“…since becoming ‘free’ (at the initial fall), mankind has sought to idolize freedom. The ironic truth is that freedom exists only where autonomy is released (John 8:36; 2 Cor 3:17; Gal 5:1, 13).” - DBTS Blog
“Persons who believe that the truth is so easily discovered often react with moral revulsion against conservatives and reactionaries who disagree with them. Since truth is so intellectually clear, [they reason,] those who do not see it must be persons of bad will. Daily experience teaches that this is not so.” - Acton