The Fading of Forgiveness: Tracing the disappearance of the thing we need most.


“It’s no wonder that this culture quickly becomes littered with enormous numbers of broken and now irreparable relationships. Politics itself becomes a new kind of religion, one without any means of acquiring redemption or forgiveness. Rather then seeing some people as right and others as mistaken, they are now regarded as the good and the evil, as true believers or heretics.” - Tim Keller


What If I Don’t Feel Forgiven? A Pastoral Letter


“This dear saint expressed concern about the struggle to feel forgiven through a handful of thoughtful questions. How long should we feel bad about our sin after we’ve repented? If we don’t feel bad, is that a sign that we aren’t forgiven? How can I feel rightly about past sins without turning that feeling into the basis for my forgiveness?” - Cripplegate


How Bitterness Can Consume You If You Don’t Let It Go


“I’ve seen it a lot — church members who get angry at someone and then stay that way. I’ve seen people refuse to talk to each other at church, as if their silence is a godly adult reaction to disagreement. My heart breaks when I see such reactions because I’ve seen bitterness consume people for years.” - Chuck Lawless


Ability to forgive strongly correlated with human flourishing: study


“The latest installment of the State of the Bible report focuses on the Secure Flourishing Index, which measures individuals’ life satisfaction when it comes to happiness and life satisfaction, mental and physical health, meaning and purpose, character and virtue and close social relationships.” - CPost


Can We Forgive When the Offender Doesn’t Repent?


“Some theologians argue it’s wrong to forgive an impenitent offender, while others say it’s wrong not to. Let’s review the arguments for both options and see if we can find a solution.” - TGC


To Forgive, or Not to Forgive?


“what if someone knows they’ve wronged you, yet doesn’t ask your forgiveness. Surely that justifies holding a grudge! Doesn’t their refusal to repent legitimize my bitterness?” - BJU Seminary


What Forgiveness Is and Isn’t


“It’s important for us to understand what is demanded of us in forgiveness. Forgiveness is not the same thing as reconciliation, which requires two parties willing to come together.” - Dan Darling
