Why They Hate Reagan—the Movie and the Man

Ronald Reagan was elected president when I was in sixth grade, then reelected when I was a sophomore in high school—serving until my sophomore year in college.

In my naiveté, I guess I thought he’d be there forever—either him or, at least, someone much like him. How dreadfully wrong I was.

Reagan’s story has now come back to life on the big screen and reminded us once again of this larger-than-life portrait of Americana.


The Jesus Revolution?


“The Jesus Movement was built on a theologically weak foundation, with a theologically weak man (if he was even truly converted) as its leader.” - P&D

See also…


Stream the Luther Documentary for Free


“As we remember the impact of the Protestant Reformation this October, you can stream Luther: The Life and Legacy of the German Reformer for free on Ligonier’s YouTube channel.” - Ligonier
