Rightly Ordered . . . Fears?


“The easiest way to not be afraid of anything is to be ignorant….The second easiest way to not be afraid of anything is to not love anything….These are sub-Christian options.” - TGC


Grace Has Taught Our Hearts to Fear


“Attempting to hold tensions in balance, the fearsomeness of God seems to get the short end. The Lamb, too often, undoes the Lion. With this, God is robbed of worship, and we of rejoicing.” - Desiring God


What Is the Fear of God?


“I have heard recently the fear of God watered down to the idea of respect or reverence alone, which is simply inaccurate. Others characterize the fear of God as a constant and overwhelming terror, which also is not accurate.” - P&D


Thinking About Revival: The Character of Revival


“But notice the quality, the character of Pentecost in verse 43. ‘Then fear came upon every soul.’ Fear. Awe. Reverence. Honour. Dignity. Sobriety. The fear of the Lord is at the heart of revival.” - P&D


Fearing God, Not as Slaves but as Sons


“The fear of the Lord is a key concept in the Bible but is often misunderstood by Christians today. There are three elements of the fear of the Lord…” - DBTS Blog


Recovering Our Sanity Through the Fear of God


“…Michael Horton’s latest book, Recovering Our Sanity: How the Fear of God Conquers the Fears that Divide Us… argues that we can only conquer the wrong kinds of fear by embracing the right kind of fear, and that’s what he means by sanity.” - TGC


Book Briefs: Rejoice & Tremble by Michael Reeves


“…there are times when this book feels more academic than I would like. But in the end, I found that Michael Reeves thoroughness provides a firm and stable biblical foundation for adopting a nuanced understanding of the fear of the Lord. (If you’d like a more concise version of Rejoice & Tremble, Reeves released an 80-page version…” - Tim Augustyn
