Combating End-Times Disinformation

The strangely ill-advised notion of a federal Disinformation Governance Board came to a merciful end this week—thankfully, at least for now.

As Americans, we cherish our First Amendment freedoms of religion, speech and the press, and tend to oppose anything that even vaguely appears to threaten them. Furthermore, as has been expressed far and wide in response to this oddly-timed proposal, we rightly view it as our role as citizens to critique the government of this Republic—not vice versa.


Compassion, Judgment, and the Insufficiency of “Progressive Christianity”


“some thoughts on a movement within the church called “Progressive Christianity.” Among other doctrines, proponents of this movement have questioned the long-held belief … that Jesus “will come to judge the living and the dead.” Efforts have also been made to re-interpret Jesus’s teaching about hell and judgment….


Evangelical Thinking on the Trinity Is Often Wrong


Simply Trinity: The Unmanipulated Father, Son, and Spirit. The book… does two things. First, it shows how a good portion of evangelical theology on the Trinity has drifted from the classical Christian tradition.


Do You Believe a False Teaching? Answer These Questions to Find Out


“A 2014 survey … reveals that many American evangelicals hold views condemned as heretical by some of the most important councils of the early church. Nearly a quarter of participants believe false teachings about Jesus, and more than half about the Holy Spirit.” CT
