Congress dives into UFOs, but no signs of extraterrestrials


“Congress held its first hearing in half a century Tuesday on unidentified flying objects…..[Pentagon officials] said they had picked a director for a new task force to coordinate data collection efforts on what the government has officially labeled ‘unidentified aerial phenomena.’” - C.Index


The FAQs: What Are People Saying About UFOs . . . and Aliens?


“some Christians believe that, if aliens exist, they are a form of fallen angel (demons). But is it possible that other forms of intelligent alien life exist in the universe? The answer depends on how we interpret the Bible and what we believe about God’s sovereignty.” - TGC


Is ET Calling Us?


SETI experiment suggests non-natural radio signal coming from the vicinity of Proxima Centauri, but seems to be another failed attempt to find alien life” - AiG


AiG on the Bible vs. Life on Other Planets


“…the notion of alien life does not square well with Scripture. As previously discussed, the earth is unique. It is the earth that was designed for life (Isaiah 45:18), not the heavens.” - AiG
