Deep and Wide: Why Churches Need to Be Both


“Depth in this context means that the church is rooted in the truth of Scripture, not swayed by the latest trends or popular opinions…. While depth is critical, a church that is only deep but not wide may fail to engage with the world around it.” - Brian Cederquist


Author explores making theology accessible for every person


“You don’t have to go to seminary to be a theologian. You have to hear the Word of God and respond to it with faith. If we’re going to love God, worship God and obey God, we need to know who He is, who we are in relation to God and how that relationship works.” - The Baptist Paper


Theology: The Missing Piece in Discipleship


“But if our understanding of the Great Commission is primarily a call to evangelism, we’ve forgotten a key piece: theology. Jesus’s final command isn’t a call to make converts but a call to make disciples.” - TGC


Don’t Skip Theology’s Middle Ground


“It’s true that evangelical Christians and churches need to get back to the riches of the earliest Christian theology. Gavin Ortlund makes an eloquent case for this in his book Theological Retrieval for Evangelicals: Why We Need Our Past to Have a Future” - TGC


Are the Five "Solas" Still Important for the Church Today?


“They are particularly significant today because even professing evangelicals, to say nothing of the culture around us, are being tempted to abandon the gospel. Therefore, the church must recognize the dire need of not only defending the five solas but also celebrating them.” - Ligonier


Three Things that Need to Change About Church


“I doubt that many of my friends who have no religious affiliation could tell you concisely what it is they don’t believe. The time has come for ministers to stop assuming that people–even the ones already in the pews–have a good understanding of what the Gospel is and what the Christian faith teaches.” - Conciliar Post
