On the Will of God: My Most Common Pastoral Counsel


“God wants us to live. He wants us to make our own decisions. He provides the boundaries of his will in those matters the Bible makes clear, but then leaves it to us to operate according to wisdom and desire.” - Challies


The Problem With AI Is People


“Questions like, ‘What is the truth?’ and ‘Who is actually telling it?’ will become more important than ever as AI technology takes off and is used by unscrupulous people to flood the internet, newsfeeds, and airwaves with misinformation.” - Breakpoint


Is it Biblical to Be Skeptical or Cynical?


“Skepticism is defined as having ‘great doubt’ regarding the truthfulness or trustworthiness of a claim….Cynicism, on the other hand, describes situations where we’re ‘contemptuously distrustful’ of someone’s action or motives.” - Daily Citizen


Are American Evangelicals Gullible?


“By no means would I ever believe that evangelicals are necessarily or always or only more gullible than anyone else. What I am asking is if American evangelicals TEND to be too gullible for their own or anyone else’s good?” - Roger Olsen
