How Can Christians Have a Better Response to Mental Health Issues?


“far better people than I have experienced far worse depression, including Martin Luther, John Owen, and William Cowper, to name a few. I studied the life of Charles Spurgeon who battled depression, and found comfort in the fact that godly men and women had walked the same path I was walking.” - Randy Alcorn


Depression at BJU’s CoRE Conference


“If you know anything about depression, you know that its seems to be a ubiquitous problem but also a controversial subject. How could it be that we misunderstand such a common problem?” - Challies


Suicide and the Church


“The prevailing idea is that the Christian faith is to be a faith of joy, making depression a sin….As a result, depressed people have been riddled with guilt, have hidden in shame, and have been afraid to surface in order to get the help they need.” - C.Leaders


Charles Haddon Spurgeon and His Struggle with Depression


“Charles Spurgeon is known as one of the greatest preachers in history. Not everyone knows about his ongoing battle with depression. Even fewer people know about his advocacy for people who lived with the same—or a similar—condition.” - Ref21
