What If You Only Had One Week to Live?


“This is not morbid; it is just facing head-on what Scripture says….You are not going to live a moment shorter because you pause to think about death. You are not going to live a moment longer if you refuse to stop and think about death.” - Randy Alcorn


Suicide Pods and the Trivialization of Death


“Our modern Promethean aspirations are not merely marked by Frankenstein’s desire to play God in the creation of life. We have taken on the role of God in the bringing of death as well.” - Carl Trueman


Rightly Ordered . . . Fears?


“The easiest way to not be afraid of anything is to be ignorant….The second easiest way to not be afraid of anything is to not love anything….These are sub-Christian options.” - TGC


Mortality, Death, and the Illusion of Control


“Scientific discoveries and medical advancements are gifts of God. And yet… a common side effect has been an inflated sense of control. It’s not difficult to see why so many people remain convinced that death can be defeated with ever newer and more impressive technologies.” - Breakpoint


“The Last Enemy”: A Brief Theology of Death (Part 2)

Read Part 1.

Physical Death

Not only did God’s curse upon humanity entail a spiritual death; it also resulted in physical death or the dissolution of the body. You may recall God’s judicial pronouncement on Adam:


“The Last Enemy”: A Brief Theology of Death (Part 1)

The Bible portrays death as the consequence of human sin. Death was the sanction that God tied to the Garden of Eden stipulation: “Of every tree of the garden you may freely eat; but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat of it you shall surely die” (Gen. 2:16-17). And God’s expulsion of Adam and Eve from the Garden on account of their covenant breach and treason demonstrated that His threats were not empty. Death became the lot of Adam and his posterity.
