Darwin’s Dirty Secret Lives On


“In 1904, thousands of indigenous people were brought to the St. Louis World’s Fair to be put on public display. Scientists offered them as examples of lower stages of human evolution.” - CToday


Biochemistry Doesn’t Point to Common Ancestry


“…philosopher of biology Paul Nelson, in a piece at Evolution News, called the paper ‘the most interesting biology paper of 2022 so far.’ Its findings are precisely the opposite of what we’d expect if life evolved from a common ancestor.” - Breakpoint


Darwin’s racism: How early evolutionary theory fueled discrimination


“Race-based discrimination has multiple sources, many of which preceded Darwin, but evolutionary theory gave ‘a powerful push to a scientific version of racism that still impacts us today,’ said John West, vice president and a senior fellow at the Discovery Institute.” - WORLD


Died: Phillip E. Johnson, Lawyer who Put Darwin on Trial


“Johnson’s landmark book, Darwin on Trial, argued that Darwinian evolution didn’t have real evidence or good arguments, but was instead ‘another kind of fundamentalism.’ … Darwin on Trial galvanized a group of Christians who opposed the theory of evolution, but also wanted to distance themselves from Bible-based creationism, which could not be taught in public schools.” -


1,000 Scientists Sign Up to Dissent from Darwin


“Now it is important to understand that many of these scientists, while rejecting the idea that evolution is primarily powered by natural selection and mutations, still believe evolution—just a different form of it.” - AiG
