Do Egalitarians Need Safe Spaces?


“The April 2024 issue of Christianity Today includes three cover stories addressing ongoing differences between complementarians and egalitarians. Titled ‘Division of Labor,’ the cover asks whether egalitarians and complementarians are really as opposed to one another as people suppose.” - Denny Burk


The Nashville Statement is five years old this week


“Known as The Nashville Statement, it was sponsored by the Council on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood and the Southern Baptist Convention’s Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission.” - CPost


Introducing Fall 2021 Eikon


“… the Fall 2021 issue of Eikon: A Journal for Biblical Anthropology. This is now our sixth issue under the new masthead. This issue and past issues can be accessed at no cost at our website, where you can also download free PDFs” - CBMW


Introducing Spring 2021 Eikon (Free)


“As for the theme of this issue, we decided to focus loosely on the topic of human embodiment, paying significance and honor to the role of the body in our reflection on life and discipleship.” - CBMW


Complementarians in favor of women as preachers?


“While CBMW’s Danvers Statement has been and continues to be a touch-point for what defines complementarianism, it is becoming increasingly clear that there are major differences among those who call themselves complementarians on this very question.” - CBMW


CBMW Announces Spring Issue of Eikon: A Journal for Biblical Anthropology


“You are not going to want to miss Craig Carter on the philosophical underpinnings of transgenderism, Brad Littlejohn on natural theology and the sexes, Nathan Tarr on abortion and the early church, or Wayne Grudem on why he changed his mind over the grounds for divorce” Eikon is available free in PDF form. - CBMW


Does Anyone Need to Recover from Biblical Manhood and Womanhood? A Review of Aimee Byrd’s “Recovering from Biblical Manhood and Womanhood”


“Here’s my attempt to paraphrase [Byrd’s] basic argument: So-called ‘biblical manhood and womanhood’—especially as John Piper and Wayne Grudem teach it—uses traditional patriarchal structures to oppress women. Byrd argues that “biblical manhood and womanhood” is not all biblical. A lot of it is unbiblical.
