Vatican: Pope’s Comments on Same-Sex Civil Unions Was Doctored


“…the Vatican confirmed that Francis was referring to his position in 2010 when he was archbishop of Buenos Aires and strongly opposed moves to allow same-sex marriage. Instead, he favored extending legal protections to gay couples under what is understood in Argentina as a civil union law.” - Fox


What did the Pope really say about civil unions?


“The footage appears to be taken from a 2019 interview with the Mexican broadcaster Televisa. But. .. the statement about civil unions was edited out, both when the interview was run in Mexico and when the Vatican itself released its own version.


Pope reiterates support for civil unions


“A documentary that premiered at the Rome Film Festival on Wednesday included Pope Francis speaking in support of legal civil unions for homosexual couples. ‘Homosexual people have the right to be in a family. They are children of God….What we have to have is a civil union law; that way they are legally covered.’” - WORLD

