Why Are Educated Women Leaving Church?


“women in America seem to be abandoning Christian observance more quickly than men. Political scientist Ryan Burge… recently shared survey data showing that college-educated men are now more likely to attend church weekly than college-educated women.” - Breakpoint


5 Reasons Why Non-Denominational Churches Are Growing


“4. Non-denominational churches do not carry the ‘name’ baggage that a denominational church might carry. I think this issue can be overstated…. 5. Non-denominational churches tend to be newer churches that grow faster than older churches.” - Rainer


5 Misconceptions About Dechurching in America


“Misconception #1: People leave primarily because of negative experiences with the church….Misconception #2: Young people are leaving the church after attending secular universities.” - TGC


U.S. megachurches are getting even bigger as smaller churches close


“The average Christian congregation…[has] just 65 members, about a third of whom are age 65 or older, according to a 2020 pre-pandemic survey. By contrast, a separate 2020 study found that three-quarters of megachurches were growing, many at a rapid clip.” - NPR


Fewer Churches Face Limited Cash Reserves


“Compared to 2016, churches are more likely to have more than seven weeks of cash reserves. Additionally, few have had someone embezzle funds from the congregation.” - Lifeway
