Every Church Should Be a Sending Church


“Inevitably, the issue of church size enters the discussion. They say things like, “We’d like to do more, but we’re just a small church.” … Sometimes, comments about size serve as a cover for different concerns.” - Lifeway


Even Small Churches Can Plant Churches


“We have learned that we don’t have to be a big church to do something great for the Lord….We constantly remind ourselves that church planting is not about the mother church’s seating capacity but its sending capacity.” - GARBC


On Missions the Paul Way and the Timothy Way


“Without Timothaine missions, many churches would fail to prosper and may even falter. …. If Pauline missions doesn’t exist, then the ends of the earth will never be reached….Both Timothaine and Pauline missions, therefore, are necessary.” - 9 Marks


Five Trends in Church Planting


“Trend 1: Kingdom Over Church…Trend 2: Networks and Denominations … Trend 3: If It Doesn’t Work [pragmatism]… Trend 4: Cities and the Missing Middle … Trend 5: Quick Starts and Short-Sightedness” - 9 Marks
