Kevin Bauder on the future of fundamentalist education


“By every indicator, historic, mainstream fundamentalism is a shrinking movement. Churches are shrinking. Fellowships are shrinking. Mission agencies are shrinking. Schools have closed and those that remain are scrambling for students.


BJU Launches Student Emergency Relief Grant Campaign


“Bob Jones University President Steve Pettit announced [April 14] a $5 million campaign to assist students and provide COVID-19 emergency relief grants to incoming and returning students this fall.” - BJUToday


New alliance unites seminaries, Christian colleges and schools amid ongoing struggles


The new International Alliance for Christian Education’s David Dockery: “We’d never worked together because we thought we had our own issues and our own demographic context in which to serve. And we thought that perhaps we could link arms and address some of the challenges better in a synergistic way.” - CPost


What is the Future of Education at Bob Jones University?


Podcast: Steve Pettit talks “with Dr. Gary Weier and Dr. Beverly Cormican about how Bob Jones University is adapting to the new reality that the novel coronavirus has presented and how BJU is preparing for the different future of education.” - BJU Today
