CBTS Makes New Perspective Chapel Series Available
Calvary Seminary—The SharperIron Interview | Part 2
Dr. Sam Harbin is the new president of Calvary Baptist Theological Seminary (Lansdale, PA). He was a pastor for a number of years before joining the faculty at Calvary. We sat down with him to hear his personal testimony and his vision for the seminary. Joining me on the interview were Joel Tetreau, Bob Bixby, Tom Pryde, and Greg Linscott.
Jason Janz
Calvary Seminary—The SharperIron Interview | Part 1
Dave Burggraff served as president of Calvary Baptist Theological Seminary (Lansdale, PA). One year ago, he made a transition to oversee spiritual formation at Clearwater Christian College (Clearwater, FL). SharperIron sat down with Sam Harbin, the new president of the seminary, and Dr. Burggraff to ask them about this transition.