Bruce Jenner: It’s Vanity, but it’s hardly Fair. Jim Tue, 06/02/15 8:29 pm BodyBruce Jenner can summon every ounce of athletic prowess he has ever had, and he will not be able to outrun his Y chromosomes. Discussion
Another signpost on the road to destruction Jim Wed, 04/29/15 8:29 pm Body“Focusing on our lower nature instead of higher things gets you more expressions of the former and less of the latter. Failed nations usually rot morally from within before they are conquered by invading armies, or collapse under the weight of their immoralities.” Discussion
It's Not Hateful to Say That Bruce Jenner is Not a Woman TylerR Sun, 04/26/15 8:29 pm BodyDr. Michael Brown: The fact is that Bruce Jenner is not a woman, and it is not hateful to say so. Discussion